5 Easy Steps to Create an Amazing Product Video
Creating a captivating product video is a great way to showcase your products, attract potential customers, and boost conversions. Here are 5 quick tips for success. Read more!

How Indikon Leveraged Cinebody to Become a Remote Production Agency
Full-service marketing agency Indikon has built its reputation on a consistent combination of awesome ideas, delivery, and service. That determination to excel sees it constantly seek out more efficient and more effective ways of getting things done for clients like American Adoptions.

How Macerich Executes Event Video Production Across 40+ Locations
How do you handle large-scale event video production, without professional crews or filming equipment? Real estate investment trust Macerich reckons it’s found the answer. And the evidence suggests it’s onto a winner.

Remote Interview Lighting Made Simple
Filming a remote interview is commonplace these days. After all, why travel across the country, or halfway around the world, if you and your interviewee can get just as good of a result remotely? We'll show you how.

Remote Video Production: 6 Steps To Nail Your Pre-Production Process
Want to know the secret to a successful remote video production? It’s all – and we mean ALL – in the planning.
We’ve seen tons of companies fall into the trap of overlooking pre-production, especially on budget-friendly UGC remote video productions. “What does it matter?” they think. “We’re shooting on smartphones…it’s not a big deal…we’ll just do it until it’s right.”

Event Video Production Cost (and How To Reduce It)
With the much-needed return to live events comes video production, and all the associated event video production cost and hassle that comes with filming recap videos for the employees unable to attend. And as you know all too well, prices for everything have been rising rapidly over the past year.

Remote Video Production 101: What is B-roll and why do I need it?
B-roll not only enhances your video dynamically, it can oftentimes save you in the editing process. Think of b-roll as the band aid that keeps your cuts together.

How to Make Affordable Video Content Amidst a Recession
Spending money on a production team, equipment, and a multitude of other fees can be expensive, and yes, there is a reason for that and a purpose. But in the midst of a recession, leaning into user-generated and smartphone content is the best way to be nimble.

The Ultimate Guide to Remote Video Production
This method of production doesn’t require truckloads of equipment and a large crew to operate it. What you’re looking at is smartphone-based production, and as everyone has one in their pocket you don’t even need to buy that. But, you do need to look into the right apps and software to get the job done.

How To Create Branded Video Content Without Busting Your Budget
Here's how to get the most out of your brand engagement with the help of influencers. By having content makers produce video testimonials, it helps your brand be exposed and recognized.

The New “Behind The Scenes” Video Production Strategy Making Waves
Who doesn’t love some great behind-the-scenes (BTS) footage? There's a new way of capturing that content without the limitations and expense of the typical BTS crew.

3 Key Tips for Remote Video Production
Get the most out of your remote video production by getting in on these go-to strategies. When it comes to your filmers, you want a well-informed and proactive team.

5 More Filming Tips & Tricks to Help You Become a Smartphone Videography Expert
We’ve shown you how to both master & maximize the quality of your smartphone-filmed footage, but there’s always more that any smartphone videographer can learn. Here are more tips & tricks to help elevate your footage even further.

5 More Filming Tips & Tricks to Help You Become a Smartphone Video Pro
We’ve shown you the basics, but there are plenty more tips & tricks you can easily master and utilize to maximize the quality of your smartphone-shot footage. Here are a few new lessons.

Smartphone Accessories You Should Be Using in 2023
When you are creating content with an iPhone, cheap and widely available accessories can take your footage to the next level. Here are a few more that we recommend.

Q&A With a Broadway-based Cinebody Pro
See how remote production platforms like Cinebody enabled a completely virtual theatrical performance and awards ceremony for students participating across the county during COVID.

As The Pandemic Looms, Remote Production Allows Brands To Stay Nimble
COVID-19 has made traditional production hard to plan for, but remote production strategies are here to keep your brand nimble and your content fresh until things return to normal.

How Brands and Agencies Are Embracing the Hidden Power of TikTok Marketing
Brands and agencies everywhere are using TikTok as a way to power their social media marketing strategies with authentic, user-generated videos.

How The Production Industry Is Embracing The Cloud To Maximize Efficiency.
Here's How The Production Industry Is Embracing Cloud-Based Workflows To Maximize Efficiency