UGC Stock Footage: 3 Reasons to Build Your Own Library

UGC Stock Footage

Ever trawled a stock library looking for something unique? Good luck! Because when it comes to authenticity and personality, only your own UGC stock footage is ever going to hit the mark.

Yes, there are countless sites out there offering pre-recorded footage of almost anything you want. And some of the giants like Pond5 and Getty Images are even starting to catch on with small collections of UGC stock footage clips.

But creating your own stock library for remote video productions is an investment that’s going to pay off again and again – and again. With every clip, you’ll get the exact look, angle and talent you want (say goodbye to that stale, generic, evergreen stock look). You’ll also develop a bank of clips that show your branding and culture. Here are three other reasons to get started:

1. You can use your own people

Building your own stock footage library makes for better final edits. Instead of inserting a stock clip so generic it jars the viewer away from the whole experience, you’ve got your own cast of stars at hand. Your employees, ambassadors and other personnel can all help you capture the specific shots you need. The result is clips packed with the authentic personality of your brand and people.

2. It’s more affordable

With fees for even moderate stock footage clips around $300 just for internal use, budgets can quickly spiral. But this way, you can stop worrying about licensing fees. When you use your own UGC stock footage, there’s nothing holding you back. Building a stock footage library where your company owns the IP means third-party payments never enter your radar.

3. It’s simple to do

Don’t be daunted. Over time, building a UGC stock library happens naturally. With every project you produce, your team will gather a ton of footage. Keep and organize it all and your library will soon take shape.

Events, employee videos and company outings all make great places to start gathering your stock. You could even run events solely to gather stock footage (we know a few global clients taking this approach).

UGC videos are only increasing in popularity, so there’s no better time to start building your own UGC stock footage library. Signage, office B-roll, and shots of team-building and company culture are all great, evergreen clips. And the effort is definitely worth it!


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