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How to Integrate Cinebody Into Your Video Production Workflow

If you’re reading this, you already know just what Cinebody can bring to the video production table. 

But do you really? 

Quite often we bring new clients into the fold through word of mouth and success stories, and that’s great. But the many benefits that the software brings to your video production workflow may not be apparent until after you’ve completed several projects. Which means you may not be taking full advantage of Cinebody, and the many ways it can either complement, or in some cases completely supplement, your current production methods and processes. 

Using the Cinebody First Mindset

Let’s start with a paradigm shift that almost all of our clients make quite quickly. It’s what Carly McCarthy Holowell, Social Media Manager at University of Central Florida, calls Cinebody First. “We are now at the point where we think Cinebody first,” said Holowell. “Can this be done via Cinebody? If so, we turn to Cinebody to start creating a shot list and working with campus partners or ambassadors.” With the software in your corner, you have a faster, easier, and cheaper way of attacking your video production. And that is always going to be your first choice once you realize how simply it can be implemented. 

Creating a Virtual Video Village

In an ideal world, very few people would have a say in what you shoot and how you shoot it. We obviously don’t live in that world. It may take a village to raise a child, but it takes a video village to create footage the client will use. However, the video village can be virtual. Wherever the approvers and decision makers are, they can view footage just after it’s been uploaded. And while this isn’t a live stream, as the footage is uploaded automatically in real-time, you can even begin post-production while the crew is still filming. “Certain quick turn projects require a different approach and it may be necessary for editors to download footage immediately as it’s coming in,” said Allie Meikle, producer and project manager at Lumenati. “The beauty of Cinebody is it allows you to choose your adventure and it works with a variety of approaches.”

Replacing In-Person Productions

Covid19 has changed the video production world. In-person events, while making a comeback in some respects, will not be the same for some time. Concerts are out. Sporting events are crowdless. Conferences and conventions are virtual. But, Cinebody gives you an “in” that traditional video production does not, which is something Jesse Borrell, Director at NoCoast, took advantage of. “I feel fortunate to be able to direct high-end productions, in other states, from the safety of my own home,” said Borrell. “By licensing Cinebody technology, I was able to organize multiple shoots for the 2020 Census without even leaving my home.”

But what about achieving the seemingly impossible? Like creating new video promotions for the travel industry at a time when travel and video production were both shelved due to a pandemic. Well, Emilie DeLong, Video Creative Manager at Odyssey, was able to hit that curveball right out of the park. “We’ve used Cinebody to capture footage to supplement existing assets, get shots of “the new normal,” or even shoot entire videos. And, this has all occurred when shooting wasn’t possible either due to timing, COVID-related lockdowns, budget or other safety concerns.”

Deploying Your Second Unit

Last, but by no means least, is utilizing the software as a “B” camera, or client perspective cam. Your production team most likely consists of a main unit that captures video footage for scripted content, ads, and marketing materials. But there is another rich seam of content to tap, and it’s provided by your customers, brand ambassadors, and even stakeholders. It’s UGC

This kind of genuine content is in king, especially in a world of fake social accounts, and by peppering in this kind of authentic footage you are adding a real connection that dovetails perfectly with your high-end traditional content. “I love the intimate, personalized content we received using Cinebody,” said Lumenati’s Allie Meikle. “Sometimes we’re able to get a behind the scenes look at something a film crew would have trouble getting access to – like a college football player at 4AM right as he wakes up for the day, or close family moments that feel incredibly genuine and real.”

So, whether you need a virtual video village, a second unit, or a replacement for in-person production, you always have help close at hand. And remember, Cinebody is also an ideal, and cost-effective, way to check off a ton of line items on your pre-production list. From casting and location scouting, to remote interviews and research, you just send out the word and wait for the footage to come rolling in.